Saturday, May 30, 2009

The Mark of Ownership

Yesterday i noticed a small mark on my leg. it looked kinda like this--

To some this image means no more than a simple letter "t", but to me it means so much more. This is The Cross- symbolizing the two pieces of wood that the Son of God hung from over 2,000 years ago- the place where Jesus died so that all who believe in Him could be saved from their sins. To Christians who truly believe this cross means so much.

So when i saw this cross indented on my skin in reminded me of a bible verse--

"So it is with you. When you heard the true teaching – the good news about your salvation – you believed in the Christ. And in Christ, God put his special mark of ownership on you by giving you the Holy Spirit that he promised." ~Ephesians 1:13

To see an actual "mark" of the cross on my skin was a good reminder, but that indent was gone the next day. when you become a christian you don't receive a physical mark. God's mark is on your soul- the Holy Spirit. I've figured out that being a Christian doesn't mean that you're going to feel the Holy Spirit all the time. But every once in awhile you can experience some very profound moments in your Christian faith. i can remember clearly so many powerful "Holy Spirit moments" in my life.

One of those moments was last Sunday. During Sunday-school we sat outside. It was a very pleasant, sunny day. Then later during our church service -during a prayer- i heard something like rain (or the AC i couldn't tell. haha), so i prayed "Lord, if that is rain, let it rain!" Moments later i heard the sound of pouring rain pounding on the roof. :)

Ha, no one expected it to rain, so during the "children's moment" many people got up and went to close the windows on their car, including me! When I got outside it was still pouring, but it felt so good! And it was like a voice was telling me "You are my child, and I hear your prayers." Its was one of those moments that makes your eyes fill with tears of joy. I could've stayed out there in God's glory for much longer...but i didn't want to come back into the church service totally socked. nevertheless it was a cool lil moment.
I felt God there with me, in that moment i could feel "the mark" on my soul. I find it amazing that he would claim me- I am His and he is mine. Its moments like that that remind you of God's power and love!

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